Supports closed water circuit ECO mode and automated detergent dosing in UPGRADE mode
Spacious interior
Up to
2.1 meters in length, XL e-bikes are fully compatible with the system
and may be cleaned without any issues.
Ergonomic and user-friendly design that allows the washing process to move in the same way
1.2 kW SMART ultrasonic tire and premium carbon rim cleaning
8x radial fan with patented integrated drying (optional)
Three-way mounted pendulum brush cleaning
Electronic torque limiting for brush rotation and brush movements IP65 drives with electronic torque limiter
An enhanced anti-slip wheel turning mechanism including a V-belt ribbed belt
An optimized window frame makes it simple to install and remove windows, which greatly simplifies maintenance tasks
Better access to the technical components through optimized lower side flaps with larger cutouts
ECO setting
When in ECO mode, the Cycle CleanPro can be filled on location with a few buckets of water and refilled as needed, eliminating the need for a permanent water connection. The closed water circuit with filtration system ensures that the water is treated and circulated continuously. Since this mode is not dependent on the local water installation, it is the best option, particularly for events and locations that vary frequently.
For the benefit of the environment, mildly and typically soiled bicycles can even be cleaned without the need for additional cleaning products because of their superior mechanical cleaning qualities!
The system is especially well-suited for high usage, several consecutive washes, and extremely filthy bicycles while operating in UPGRADE mode, which features a persistent freshwater connection. A consistent level of cleaning is ensured by the automated detergent dosage. It uses about the same amount of water as a high-pressure cleaner.
Equipment that has been tried and tested
Complete, eco-friendly bike washing in a matter of two to five minutes
Fully automated, mobile bicycle cleaning system
The bike is automatically cleaned on both sides by means of two moveable brushes that rotate counterclockwise
For light cleaning, use soft EASYSwitch cleaning brushes
HDPE-made plastic waste water collection ramps
Black PE brushes on top and sides to prevent splashes
Superior components: premium plastic casing and stainless steel framework
The greenest house plan we have ever designed.
The plastic components in this version are entirely composed of recycled
In Black & White
Our version with horizontal
lines in two colors. The lowest components of black plastic are composed
entirely of recycled materials.
Black and Silver
Recycled plastic corners, stainless
steel side components and the system core (needed for a high-performance
blade compressor)
In Silver-white
The bi-colored plastic Silver-White
Corners, along with the stainless steel system core and side elements,
are necessary for a high-performance blade compressor
The best model is built entirely of
stainless steel and has a cashless payment system with a touch display,
a high-performance blade compressor, an integrated dryer unit, a clean
and dry gun, and an integrated control unit in the handle